GEMS Technologies is fully committed to compliance with the requirement of the Data protection, Act 1998. The company will therefore follow safe & healthy procedures that aim to ensure that all individuals who have access to any personal data held by or on behalf of the company are fully aware of and abide by their duties and responsibilities under the Act.
GEMS Technologies regards the lawful and correct treatment of personal information as essential to its successful operation and to maintaining confidence between the company employees, students, clients, temporary workers. The company will therefore ensure that it treat personal information lawful and correctly. To this the company fully endorses and addresses to the principal of data protection as set out in the Data Protection Act 1998.
Personal information must be handled with properly however it in collected, recorded and used, whether it be on paper, in computer records or recorded by any other means, and there are safeguards within the Act to ensure this.
In order to operate efficiently GEMS Technologies must collect and use, when necessary, information about the (i)employees including their qualifications, work experience, personal details and further information (ii)students including their qualifications, personal contact details, work experience, if any (iii)contractors or business associates or partners including their experience, growth statistics, employees’ details, when necessary
1.1 All employees and students are required to the comply with this policy when dealing with students, other employees, company or agency staff, consultancy, job applicants, clients, suppliers, customers, contact of the company and any individual with whom they come in contact during the course at their employment.
1.2 All employees and students must fully comply with this policy and not use the data about the workings of GEMS Technologies or employee’s or student’s personal details either to disclose the business workings of the institute to other business representatives or workers or to lure students with good job promises, local or abroad and in dealing with such.
1.3 All employees and students are made fully aware of this policy and of their duties and responsibilities under the data protection Act.
2.1 It is the responsibility of GEMS Technologies to ensure the implementation of the policy on a day by day activities by the employees. In case of indiscipline or non-adherence to the policy by the employees, action will be taken depending on the severity of the breach.
2.2 All employees and students have a shared responsibility to accept their personal involvement in applying the policy and must be familiar with it. They must also ensure that it is followed by both themselves and employees for whom they have a responsibility.
2.3 It is the responsibility of IOSH to protect data about the institution, employees and the students provided by GEMS Technologies and must not in any case be misused or leaked.
Disciplinary action may be taken by GEMS Technologies against any employee or student who acts in breach of this policy including summary dismissal cancellation of registration in the case of a serious breach of this.